
Video Production Co. Sherpas Cinema Goes ‘To That Edge And A Little Bit Farther’

Video Production Co. Sherpas Cinema Goes ‘To That Edge And A Little Bit Farther’

It’s hard to shoot quality production video in the outdoors, especially in the most extreme environments in the world. Sherpas Cinema , a boutique production house based in Whistler, is known for achieving some of the most logistically difficult shoots in the outdoor/ski industry.

This video, sponsored by Goal Zero , gives a glimpse into the world of outdoor videography far off the beaten path. —Sean McCoy

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRFEP5v3ZtM?rel=0&w=560&h=315]

Video Production Co. Sherpas Cinema Goes ‘To That Edge And A Little Bit Farther’
Powered by Goal Zero solar arrays at a Sherpas Cinema base camp

