
Video: Super-Young Fisherman Can Catch – But Can He Release?

Catch and release fishing. It’s good for the fish because it lets them grow up and ensures there are plenty of them in the water. And it’s good for folks who fish because fishing is such an enjoyable activity.

When a fisherman is first starting out, though, releasing one’s fish can be difficult.

In this video, a young angler casts like a champ and hooks a fish. When it comes time to release his catch though, he just can’t bear to take it off the hook. Even after his father unhooks it, he has a tough time grabbing the fish, but in the end he “mans up” and gets the job done. Bravo!

I can’t help but grin when I watch this.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOkFH1Us2eM?feature=oembed&w=660&h=495]

