
The November issue of Perceptive Travel Magazine

The November edition of Perceptive Travel magazine features three new travel articles that will leave all us armchair travellers wanting to pack the bags and hit the road.

First up is Jim Johnson’s On a Slow Boat down the Irrawaddy River from Mandalay to the temple city of Bagan in Myanmar, a country that many other countries, organizations and individuals recommend that travellers boycott.  But as Johnson points out, while travelling there does pose an ethical dilemma,  there are ways of doing so without your travel dollars end up in the government’s hands.

Further south, Bruce Northam escapes the tourist treadmill and island resorts and lacing up his hiking shoes, heads for the hills in Fiji. Along the way, he visits with villagers, stops to chat and imbibes in the local kava drink, resulting in Bruce experiencing A Marvelous Trance in the Highlands of Fiji .

Meanwhile, back in the United States Brad Olsen looks at origins of The Mysterious Stone Chambers of New England . More than 800 of these stone-built chambers have been found around New England but no-one seems to know their origins. Could they be colonial root cellars, native American sweat lodges, or even prehistoric European structures?

Plus, this month’s travel book reviewer, Gillian Kendall, has picked a diverse collection of books to review . And as usual,  Tim Leffel will have you tapping your fingers and toes with his eclectic collection of world music reviews .

Happy reading…

