
South Hill Bluff trail maintenance dates set

South Hill Bluff trail maintenance dates set
Erik Sjoquist of the Spokane County/WSU Extension answers questions from a volunteer during an urban forestry project to reduce fire danger on the bluff below High Drive on Spokane's South Hill on Oct. 9, 2011. (Rich Landers)

TRAILS -- Last Saturday a hard-working group of 20 turned out to work on Bluff trails.

The many, many more people who use the trails owe them a tip of the hat.

They did trail maintenance and prepared to re-align a trail that is steep and highly erosive. The new route will be more stable and user-friendly for hikers and mt bikers.

To complete the task, the Friends of the Bluffs are encouraging more people to join some evening work parties.

The first two will be Tuesday April 24 and Wednesday May 2.

Join the group from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. to work off the stress of the day (and perhaps adjourn to the Rocket Market afterwards).

Meet at the Bernard/High Dr trail head and bring/wear hiking boots, work clothes, work gloves, and bring water.

Info: robertsd@wsu.edu

