Open thread with a simple question: now that Hillary Clinton is the official Democratic nominee, is everyone going to rush out and start stockpiling guns and ammo again? I know I almost ran out and bought that Century Arms C39v2 that I was fondling the other day at the local gun shop, but then I read about their alleged heat treating problems on their bolts and some other internal parts and decided to skip it. I’ll just put that money into some more parts for my LMT LM8MWS–probably a 6.5CM barrel and some other goodies.
I am in a mad rush to get some more NFA items into my gun trust before the July 18th rule change, and I may pick up some ammo, but other than that I’m pretty much not sweating it right now, mainly because I bit the bullet (heh) and did any stockpiling over the past two years when stuff was cheap.
What are you guys seeing out there? Is the race on? Will it be on as we get closer to the convention?