One Andrew Jackson could be all it takes to get you on the path of living well for half what you’re spending now.
The paperback version of A Better Life for Half the Price is out now at Amazon . The list price is $21.95, but you can get it on the U.S. site for under twenty bucks right now. It’s also available on the UK site and other Amazon sites worldwide. The only glitchy one is Canada , where it says “Ships in one to two months.” Maybe they’re moving slowly in the arctic cold up there…
This has been out for a while as an e-book, along with some bonus packages that offer some more help for those who are really serious about moving to a cheaper place to live. Those are still available and are instant if you have an e-reader device you like.
There are some nice benefits to a paper book, however. It never runs out of batteries and you can loan it to whomever you want. This is a pretty fat one though—more than 300 pages—so you may want to read it curled up on the couch rather than when you’re packing light for a vacation by plane. That 3-D image to the right doesn’t do the spine justice.
There’s a nice batch of early reviews on Amazon if you want to see what others who have read this cheap living abroad book have to say. Then here are some of the reviews that have come out on other websites and blogs.
His take on expat living isn’t his alone, but rather the shared stories of over 50 different interviewees from countries all over the globe, living in countries worldwide. The angle Tim takes offers many and varied perspectives, all of which ensure that the information is fresh and first-hand, even for those of us no longer in need of convincing.
– Jonathon Engels, Transitions AbroadIn the book, he interviews more than 50 expats living a variety of lives abroad in 25 countries. Through these personal experiences, he demonstrates how to live an extravagant life for less than $2000/month (often much less).
– Nora Dunn, The Professional HoboIf you are an armchair reader who is on the fence about moving abroad, this is a publication that will push you over the edge and into the life that we live on a daily basis.
– Tim Anderson, Marginal BoundariesEven if you get no further than thinking about a move to a more fiscally hospitable climate, this is a fascinating read because it has a conversational tone, people who’ve made the moves speak with candor, Leffel doesn’t own a pair of rose-tinted spectacles, the information is detailed and the links to websites are practical.
– Graham Reid, books about living internationally are more about real estate promotion than they are impartial and unbiased guides. A Better Life for Half the Price is not. It is also not specific to one area and includes comments and feedback from over 50 expatriates who have halved their monthly expenses. The expatriates share their stories of how they live and how they have accomplished their lifestyle. They do not sugar-coat their experiences. They explain the challenges they have faced as well as the solutions.
– John Dwyer, Over 50 and OverseasHis new book is full of detailed guidance on how you, too, could save a LOT of cash by relocating to a less expensive international destination. The new book is $22 but could save you $$$ if these topics interest you.
– Scott Fox, Click MillionairesIf you want the absolute lowdown on where in the world you can live your best life on your own terms, then Tim’s book is for you. He’s carefully researched and broken down the key countries in the world that you can live well in and provided great examples and stories from those who’ve designed their lifestyle by where they’ve chosen to live.
– Natalie Sisson, The Suitcase EntrepreneurIt’s not a quick read, but it’s entertaining and eye-opening. If you have any interest in living abroad, your eyes will be stuck to this book, imagining all the possibilities while learning about the lifestyle and all the advantages and disadvantages of living in various countries.
– Ryan at Jets Like Taxis
There are more of them out there if you do a Google search, but this should give you an inkling of what others think of it so far. If you are tired of your expenses equaling or exceeding your income or revenue, this may be the best 20 bucks you’ve ever spent.
See more here: Expat Stories .