Bears are usually scared of people, but this video definitely turns the tables on the standard fear-factor.
According to a post at LiveLeak , the two men captured the footage on a morning jog near Fort McMurray, Alberta. While some commenters say the men are lucky to be alive (having done the opposite of what many wildlife experts recommend) it would take some serious balls to have stood much more ground as the bear closes within feet.
Black bear attacks are rare. But according to the post, a woman was recently killed in a different incident by a black bear while working at one of Canada’s oil-sands companies in northeastern Alberta.
Fort McMurray resident Lorna Weafer, a Suncor instrument technician, reportedly came face to face with the bear shortly after coming out of a washroom at the company’s oil sands base plant, located about 25 kilometres north of Fort McMurray. Fellow employees witnessed the attack and tried to stop it to no avail. —Sean McCoy